Piemont Weinlese 2013

Piedmont Wine Harvest 2013

The 2013 harvest in Piedmont will be remembered as a "vintage event", because the harvest started, on average, 15 days late compared to the last decade and only in ended November.

The vegetation cycle of the vines was particularly affected by the slow start of spring and the relatively low temperatures in March and April. In addition, there was ample rainfall in April and May. In June the weather conditions improved and flowering took place regularly towards the end of the month. The climate in July, August and up to the harvest was excellent with warm and sunny days and cool nights, especially in the second half of September.

The 2013 wine-growing year was a great challenge for the winegrowers, especially in spring. Due to the heavy rainfall, they had to counteract the dangers of fungal infestation. Nonetheless, those who took the right action were able to limit the damage by identifying problems early and nipping them in the bud. In terms of production, it can be said that the good fertilization combined with the good water reserves favored the growth of the grapes. Compared to previous years, they are larger, heavier and more compact on average.

 Overall, 2013 was marked by a two-fold trend. After a spring full of difficulties, there was a decisive improvement in the development of the grapes in the second half of the year thanks to the harmonious months of September and October. It was a difficult year for all grape varieties, which required careful work in the vineyard.

The selection of the right time for the necessary interventions has undoubtedly played a decisive role in the respective results. Where the work in the vineyard has been carried out at the right time and with the right method, one can obtain long-lasting and expect well-structured wines that will make the 2013 vintage an excellent vintage.

Rating: 4 stars, excellent

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Source: Consorzio di Barolo e Barbaresco