Kaufen Sie Cannubi Barolo Weine bei Babarolo!

Why is the Barolo Cannubi Cru so important

Cannubi is the name of the most historic and renowned location in the entire Barolo growing area. How the name Cannubi came about is not known, but local winegrowers believe that the name was derived from the word canne, meaning reeds. Because long before vines were planted on this hill, reeds grew there. What is undisputed, however, is that the oldest bottle of Barolo wine still owned by the Manzone family of winemakers today comes from the Cannubi Cru. Interestingly, the label only says: Cannubi 1752.

The Cannubi vineyard is located above the center of the municipality of Barolo and is a long south-facing slope. The core area of ​​the Cannubi hill extends over 15 hectares at approximately 270m above sea level and is planted exclusively with the Nebbiolo grape variety.

The Barolo wines of this cru are characterized by a variety of fruity and balsamic notes in good vintages, even when young. What stands out is the great elegance and harmony of the wines, which have very accessible and finely woven tannins even when they are young  Both the orientation of the vineyard and the special soil conditions certainly contribute to this. It is a combination of calcareous marl soils rich in calcium carbonate and sandy soils with a high magnesium content. This soil structure is particularly characteristic of the taste and quality of the Barolo Cannubi wines on the Cannubi vineyard. The sand components are more decisive for the elegant notes, while the limestone soils are more influential for the structure and the tannins of the wines.

The Cannubi vineyard has had 18 different owners, including the Fratelli Borgogno family, those with 3 hectares holds the second largest share of all wineries. For many years, Babarolo has maintained a close relationship with the Borgogno family, who have an excellent reputation for classic Barolo wines.